KEEP FIT WITH YOGA Namaste Keep Fit With Yoga is a dvd for children and teens. For kids and teens to have fun learning yoga practically, systematically, safely through sessions 1 to 4. The dvd also has a practice session for each session, when the asanas, poses and pranayama are learned. Benefits and cautions are mentioned for the practices. There are also stories, games, riddles and much more. These reinforce the practices learned. Also help with balance in life and right values. Siblings, friends, cousins, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, aunts, uncles may also practice together with the child or teen.
Background on Keep Fit With Yoga. Bihar School of Yoga, Swami Satyananda Saraswati has helped many adults with physical imbalances, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Having seen this and personally experiencing this myself a thought occurred, why not for children as well. Perhaps a video especially geared for children? This was mentioned to Swami Satyananda Saraswati in the Bihar School of Yoga ashram in Munger, Bihar. He said that it was a good idea, to go ahead with it. This terrified me, having no experience in this field. Suggested a person who worked in this field to make the video? Swami Satyananda said that since it was my idea for me to do this. To take guidance from Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati. Swami Niranjan has guided the entirety of Keep Fit With Yoga.
During my pregnancy, the birth of my child, observing my child, friends of my child, and especially before my pregnancy it was very apparent that babies born are precious gifts and parents' responsiblility as guardians of the child in whose care they are in. Love, care, safety, kindness, right influences are foremost in the upbringing of a child. Children should not undergo hardships. Nurturing children and right values are important so that they may grow to be balanced loving, caring, nurturing, kind adults. Childlike but not childish. A sense of humor certainly helps. You may have heard of the phrase Monkey see, monkey do. We need to be good examples to children. Children pick up everything. They are like sponges. We cannot do one thing and say another. We need to walk the talk. Or they will not respect us. And disregard our advice. What ever and however we want our children to be needs to be instilled in them from prenatal until the age of seven. It is then that yoga becomes important in a child's life. This and not wanting children to grow up like my mother and sibling who are cruel, sadistic; from whom it was learned how not to be; Good role models were also there, my father, grandmothers, grandfathers, Gurus Swami Sivananda Saraswati, Swami Nityananda, (my grandparents' Gurus), Swami Satyananda Saraswati. Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati. And aunts, uncles, peers, one of many Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati and the school I graduated from BIS. Giving every child a chance to grow up to be happy adults, living fulfilled lives. May the Blessings of Keep Fit With Yoga be in the lives of all children. Email keepfitwithyoga@yahoo.com to buy the dvd. $18 for one dvd. Plus sales tax. Wholesale prices are also available. © Satyananda Production Company Om Shanti Shanti Shantih Om Tat Sat